To access your Icewarp email remotely, follow these steps:
- Sign in to Windows using your PCI credentials.
- Access your program Start Page.
- Select Icewarp.
- Enter your work provided email address.
- Select Next.
- Enter the unique default password provided.
- Select Sign In.
Note: If Google prompts to save the username and password, select Never.
- To change your password, select the drop-down arrow, located in the upper-left corner.
- Select Options.
- Select Change password.
- Enter the unique default password into the "Old Password" field.
- Enter a new password into the "New Password" field.
Note: Select the i icon to see new password requirements.
- Re-enter the new password into the "Confirm Password" field.
- Select OK.
Your new password is now saved.
Reminder: Be sure to log into Icewarp daily, and check multiple times a day for work-related updates and communications.